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Parenting Workshops


Love is a very important part of parenting. However, loving your children/teenager is not enough to help him/her develop into a person of character, with a clear sense of identity, a sense of responsibility, and courage to face life. As a parent:


  • Do you feel that the choices your child/teenager is making are unproductive?
  • Do you feel concerned, exhausted, and unsure about how to help your child/teenager?
  • Do you need some concrete skills to help get through to your child/teenager?

If you answer YES to any of the above questions, I invite you to sign up for our parenting workshop.

Children/teenagers today are confronted with myriads of challenges, some of which the previous generations had not had to deal with. In other to make a positive impact on your child/teenager, and be effective in your sacred task of parenting, you need a set of knowledge and skills. This workshop is designed specifically to provide parents with hands on information that would make them less reactive and more effective in their relationship with their children/teenagers.Give yourself and your family a gift, sign up for our parenting workshop..

Call us now or email us now to sign up for this workshop 678.291.9029, infoThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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