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Life Coaching



The essence of life is to love and to work. Loving and working are two unavoidable areas of our lives. Many of those who perform on a high level, both in their love and work life have a coach. A coach is a trusted professional, who provides support and honest feedback, and helps you to accomplish the goals you set for yourself. Coaching can be used for both personal and professional life. It provides a unique opportunity to develop a professional relationship with someone who would be in your corner. Coaching helps you to create realistic and measurable goals. If there are areas of your life, personal and professional, that you would like to elevate, coaching can help. The proess of coaching would assist you to develop cognitive, behavioral, and emotional strategies that would bring about the fulfillment of your goals and dreams. Moving towards your best life is not always an easy processs. But it is possible through the assistance of a skilled life coach.


The staff at New Horizons brings both psychological and spiritual competence to the art of life coaching. We engenders trust in our client, as we approach our work with warmth, sensitivity, and focus. We would be happy to help you work towards your best life. Why don’t you call us now and make an appointment 678.291.9029, infoThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  

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