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Dr. Percy D Johnson Jr

IMG 5379


MY PASSION FOR COUNSELING grows out of a desire to see human beings maximize their potential, claim and reclaim their authentic selves, and collaborate relationally with other human beings and/or partners in a healthy and happier way. I presently am pursuing my Licensure as a Marriage and Family Therapist and a Pastoral/Christian Counselor. I hold a Doctoral Degree in Pastoral Counseling from United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio and completing a second Doctorate Degree in Sacred Theology from the Interdenominational Theological Center, Atlanta, Georgia. I completed a Master of Divinity Degree at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, a Bachelor of Science Degree from Troy State University, Troy Alabama and a Associate of Arts Degree in General Studies from James H. Faulkner State University, Bay Minette, Alabama.

MY PASTORAL AND THERAPEUTIC STYLE includes integrating psychotherapy and spirituality. This process entails placing Adlerian, Cognitive Behavioral, Rational Emotive, and Psychodynamic techniques and perceptions in conversation with diverse Theological and Spiritual interpretations and understandings. By doing this I intend to create a sacred place and space where human beings feel respected, honored, valued, and safe. The goal of utilizing this type of approach is to assist human beings in the healing process and help them hear their inner voice and child, so they can understand, challenge, and confront the toxic feelings, beliefs and thoughts that contribute toward sabotaging their future and purpose.

EXPERIENCE: I have been serving in the care and counseling field consistently since 1993 in a multiplicity of venues. These venues include: Pastor of several churches in diverse denominations, Chaplain for Infectious Disease, Professor of Religious Studies and Theology, Facilitator and Presenter in a Seminary on the Introduction of Psychology of Pastoral Care, and as an Advanced Resident Counselor in the Affordable Care Clinic at the Care and Counseling Center of Georgia. I am married and have two adult children, and one granddaughter. I enjoy working with individuals, couples, and families to help them become better expressions of themselves and improve the way they love and interact with one another. I would love to join with you on improving your journey, life, and the quality of your relationships.

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